

Restructured all of Mighty Networks so that the platform is built on modular features that surface activity to the forefront rather than being restricted to a pre-built template.

Product Designer

2 designers, 1 product manager, 9 developers on 3 platforms, 6 QA Engineers
(Mar 2020 - Nov 2020 & Feb 2022 - Dec 2022)

Pro Sales nearly doubled in the months following release, and complaints about "feeling lost" went away

Competitive Analysis
Experience Design
Vision Definition
Interface Design
Quality Assurance Testing
Iterative Development
System Architecture

What is Mighty Networks?

Might Networks is a platform where creators can organize their community's special interest areas by building Groups or Courses within their Network. The tools provided were powerful, but had a lot of 1 off rules that you can read about below, or skip ahead to the main problems users experienced.

Navigating A Network

As you develop multiple Courses and create special interest Groups, they are accessible by going to the left hand navigation of the Network, selecting the template type, and scrolling until you find the appropriate Group or Course.

Indicators for new activity within the Group or Course is only visible once the Group or Course is open. In a standard case it could take up to 3 clicks and a scroll to see there was new content, let alone find what the new content was.

The Network feed displayed content posted to Groups and Courses you were in, as well as posts made at the Network Level, by default ordered by relevance to you.


Community Hosts and members can only create content in particular features within the product. Some, but not all, Network features act as aggregators of the corresponding features within a Group or Course. (i.e. a post made in a Group feed could also be seen in the Network feed by someone who had joined that Group. A member could also post to the Network feed itself to reach everyone.) See what features can own content below by hovering on the create button (GG).

Groups and Courses act as templates that have some shared features. However, they are structured in a way that some features are required GG, some are optional GG, and others are unavailable for that template type all together GG. For Group Discovery, Group lists, and Course lists, they are dependent GG on whether other features are turned on in the product.

You can explore what each feature is and how it works by selecting it below.


branding images
table of contents
member list
group list
course list
all member chat
direct messaging
custom colors
external link
custom links
role renaming


branding images
table of contents
member list
all member chat
custom colors
external link
custom links
role renaming


branding images
table of contents
member list
all member chat
custom colors
external link
custom links
role renaming
While inside a Topic, Group, or Course, it looked very similar to the Network feed. For Groups and Course you could exit back to the Network in the top right corner.

Making a Decision

Now what is the solution to these problems? It's to rebuild the entire platform. Easy! 🙃

Identifying the problems was a big step, but in order to bring flexibility and control to Hosts, it was going to require a huge undertaking to rebuild the foundation of the entire platform. For the first year and a half after conception, we kept on working on smaller one off features that felt more achievable like group chat and video upload.

Early on I started using a metaphor that helped convince other parts of the company that this was a worth while endeavor.

The metaphor

Imagine you're building a town. Right now we have given you two building options, a School and a Gym. You can make as many of each as you want, but if you walk into any one School it's going to be roughly the same as the next. Also your entire town can only be Schools and Gyms. You could try to run a restaurant out of one but it's going to give you a lot of trouble along the way.
In this new world of Spaces, we wanted to give everyone access to the blueprints for individual rooms within their buildings so they can mix and match them however they please!
And then in the future we can break down the building components themselves so you can create any kind of room you want.

Thinking about it in more abstract terms that were detached from the work it would take to build it helped people adopt the vision before jumping to the technical burdens.

Go/No Go

At the end of the day, the big gamble with this project was how much time it was going to take to restructure so much of the platform. However, what really pushed us over the edge was that roughly 2 out of 3 new Hosts are people who found Mighty Networks because they were already in one, but the number one reason people didn't subscribe at the end of their free trial was that they couldn't build what they wanted.
This showed us that people who already use Mighty Networks are the key drivers in new Networks being created. However, that excitement about the platform wasn't enough to get everyone who wanted to start a community to convert because they didn't have the flexibility to build what they wanted.

By unlocking new sectors of community through flexibility, it was simultaneously our best possible marketing strategy and the best thing for our existing users.

That decision along with some exploratory mocks led us to starting 2 project teams, one leading the splitting apart of Space privacy into it's base components (the first part was adding multiple currencies), while the other led the modularizing of the Spaces themselves. I launched the privacy focused team while working closely with the Spaces team before handing off the completed roadmap and designs for privacy to a new PM and Designer so that I could fully focus on Spaces.

For the Space's side, we ran exploratory user interviews with 12 Hosts early on to understand the specific use cases, presented 2 key notes with up to 500 customers in each, organized 1000+ user requests on product board, and made early prototypes to test with Hosts to ensure we were making the right choice at every step along the way.

Paths to Success

We could either do this one of two ways, first is the waterfall method. Using the earlier metaphor, we could bulldoze everything and build it all completely from scratch so from one day to the next a user would find a whole new town with homes, bars, marketplaces, event halls, apartment buildings, restaurants, and more.
The second option was the agile method. One day an architect could find they could add a lecture hall to a gym, and sometime later they could a weight room to a school, until one day they realized all the changes were available, and could build towards whatever they wanted.
While I pushed for an agile flow, management decided to take more of a waterfall approach. The agile flow would get smaller increments to users faster, but arriving at the end vision would take significantly longer because with every 2 steps forward we'd have to take 1 step back that we would inevitably have to undo. There would also be weeks to months where we'd have to make a change that seems strange until another set of features could be completed.

We did want to make sure user's had ample time to prepare and provide feedback, while we still had time to make changes. So we created a customer product council that we reported to biweekly, and ran two month long Alpha and Beta periods with the caveats that certain features were still under development.


Each feature is now independent so it can be added and removed like building blocks.


Not only can every feature be turned on and off, but it can also be renamed and reordered. Hosts can also determine what kinds of content can be shared, choose default sort orders, and decide who can contribute.


Your Spaces are accessible in 1 click from the left nav. Activity appears in real time in the left nav and in the feature tabs within a Space. It gives an accurate count of how much new content there is to interact with.

Quick Build

We built Network and Space templates so that the speed you could create a Network at wasn’t slowed down by all the new flexibility.

Creating a Space now is a quick as 4 clicks on a single page instead of 3 pages and 12 clicks with the start of the create flow hidden in Network settings.

Quick Create

After some feedback during the Beta release, to make sure everyone can still create posts easily and wherever they want, we added a create button to the top of the left nav that will redirect a member to any one of the half dozen kinds of posts you can create.

Bringing the Past to the Future

We made sure existing Networks could keep all their current functionality while allowing them to enjoy the freedom Spaces brings.

Detailed Changes

Here is a more detailed view of every change we implemented in the process

We rearranged the Network and upgraded GG the features so everything was built on
Spaces, and the Network acted instead as an aggregator of the content that's personalized to you. We also added new features GG to give users even more flexibility.


global create button
left navigation panel
aggregated feed
aggregated events
member list
custom collections
direct messaging
custom colors
external link
custom links
role renaming


table of contents
member list
all member chat
branding images
custom colors
auto join
role renaming


After the release of Spaces, Pro sales close to doubled because we unblocked people from building the community they wanted. Existing Network Hosts also transitioned to higher priced plans. Roughly 5% of all plans transitioned from a $30/month plan to a $98/month plan. We also saw increases in our other project KPIs, but they are not publicly sharable.

Not only were the numbers great, but the feedback from users was overwhelmingly positive! Read a small selection below.

Up NExt

By making these changes, we were able to get out of our own way, and add a lot more flexibility to the product.

While I left Mighty at the end of this project, I'm excited to see what features they build with the improved flexibility, and what the hosts decide to create!